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HomeNews"It's important to have a plan,": NH Tobacco Reduction Lead on quitting...

“It’s important to have a plan,”: NH Tobacco Reduction Lead on quitting smoking, vaping

With 2021 knocking at the door, it’s automatic we’ll see an abundance of New Year’s Resolutions made.

One of the most common is kicking smoking or vaping to curb and Northern Health has a few suggestions on how to accomplish that.

(Photo supplied by Pixabay)

Tobacco Reduction Lead, Lindsay Willoner spoke with Vista Radio.

“We know that having a pen or a stick of celery or even sometimes people will use a stress ball to squeeze. We know that talking about it or having counseling by talking to someone in peer support can make you effective.”

“It’s probably important to talk about the detoxing of tobacco or vapor products so getting rid of any products including ashtrays in the house or vehicle that might remind you or trigger.”

Willoner added with the Holiday season often being a time of indulgence, it can be easy for people looking to quit to revert back to their old ways when it comes to tobacco or vaping usage.

“Stressful times can add to people and we know that nicotine and that craving makes us feel better when we smoke, this is the whole addiction part of it and knowing how to deal with that stress of it and those triggers will be optimal for people going into the holiday season and the New Year.”

Northern residents can enjoy certain benefits once they get to a point in their tobacco reduction where the cravings become non-existent.

“Food can taste better, we can regain a sense of taste that might have been put out by constantly smoking or vaping. You can save more money in your pocket, we are at a good state in our province where nicotine replacement therapy is covered for 12 weeks, not having to pay for that and then decreasing your purchase of tobacco products will leave more money in your pocket and you won’t expose anyone to second or third-hand smoke.”

In September, the BC Government announced that the first-ever lung screening program in Canada is set to launch in our province.

In January, Northern Health reminded the public about the risks to vaping and tobacco products after a report stated 21% of residents in our region while 24% are vaping or using some sort of nicotine products.

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