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HomeNewsSik-e-dakh band receives funding for new heat pumps

Sik-e-dakh band receives funding for new heat pumps

New provincially funded heat pumps are being installed in 70 Glen Vowell homes. 

“These initiatives are a great example of the future of clean energy across B.C.,” said Stikine MLA Nathan Cullen. 

$300,000 is being fronted through the BC Indigenous Clean Energy Initiative for the project which aims to help improve the band’s energy efficiency. 

This is one of 35 projects receiving funding in the province, totaling $9.8 million. 

A total of $1.1 million in funding coming to the Stikine region will not only support energy independence, but also drive job creation in our communities, fostering economic growth and self-sufficiency,” said Cullen. 

Prior to the influx in heat pumps, only 5 homes had one installed.

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