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HomeNewsRegional District of Bulkley-Nechako releases new emergency & public alert system

Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako releases new emergency & public alert system

Residents in the Regional District of Bulkley- Nechako will now receive notifications in the case of an emergency event or for other local government public notices.

The Bulkley Nechako Emergency and Public Alerts system was implemented today and will be provided over a wide variety of communications channels.

Residents can receive alerts through landline, cellphones, text, and email.

Director of Protective Services for the Regional District Deborah Jones-Middleton believes this will be helpful for the community.

“They will be able to get the information directly to them regarding the area they live in or maybe it’s their children in school or their parents home,” she said.

Jones-Middleton also said registration is free and totally anonymous.

“You can go to any of the municipal or regional district websites in this region and sign up or you can phone any one of the offices,” she said.

She added if residents are previously registered to receive alerts from the Town of Smithers Emergency Notification system they are automatically transferred to the Bulkley-Nechako Emergency & Public Alerts system.

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